My name is Juanita Stephens - Let me tell you  why I created Nita’s Healing Balm.

I am a three-time cancer survivor. In 2018 I was diagnosed for the third time.   It was stage 4 breast cancer and told I had about a year to live.  I decided to get serious about removing all chemicals from my environment.

I changed my cleaning products, hair care, makeup and was looking for a way to create my own facial care and lotion products. I started searching the internet for all-natural recipes.  While there were thousands out there, I kept playing with them until they worked for me.

One afternoon as I was recovering from radiation treatments, my niece came by and introduced me to her friend.  He was a welder and the intense heat from his job had caused his skin to welt and crack severely.  He had angry red welts all over his body.

He indicated that his skin felt like he was on fire 24/7. I decided to alter my new lotion recipe and add a few additional ingredients that I knew had healing properties.

I made it while he was there and asked him to try it out on his skin.  He slathered it from head to toe. After about 15 minutes he had a revelation.  His skin was no longer burning! The next day they called to say that he had slept through the night for the first time in a year and that his welts had completely scabbed over.

The Next Phase:  I Started Making It For Others

I then started to make it for people anytime they talked to me about skin conditions.  I saw this same result repeatedly, and then I knew I was onto something powerful. 

To the left is a picture of a friend of mine.  She underwent radiation treatment and her skin burned severely. She had an open laceration on her neck.  I told her to start putting the cream on several times a day. The after picture that you see was four days later.

Today she has no scars or remnants of the burn on her neck. Crazy right!

A Funny Story About Our Dog

I must tell you a funny story about our dog. She was a stray that our son found and brought home from college.

We don’t know how long she had been out in the wilderness, but she was wild when we got her.

She had a fungus on her tail. The vet told us that someone had done a “hillbilly cut on her tail” and it did not heal well.

They offered to diagnose and treat the infection for a fee that started at $500.

I told my husband to bring her home and I would apply the cream to her tail. Within a week, the infection had cleared up.

Now whenever I bathe her, she goes and lays on the floor with her legs up so I can apply the cream. She’s not spoiled at all!

Final Result:  Nitas Healing Balm

For the last six years, everyone I know has been telling me, “You should market this because it can change people’s lives.”

The result of these years of researching and trying it out on friends and neighbors has culminated into Nita’s Healing Balm.

I hope that you and your family will enjoy this healing balm as much as my family has.